Shehnai artists and Nagada artists are two different artists experts in playing folk instruments. Happy occasions and rituals always mean welcoming the occasion and enjoying the evening with the tune of Shehnai and Nagada. Rituals like marriages, birth, and sometimes rejoicing in the celebration of any anniversary always demand a set of Shehnai and Nagada artists playing the tune and instruments to ponder the occasion with the joyous moment.

The Nagada Shehnai team is always in demand during wedding season and other special happy and celebration occasions. ‘Orchestra Party’ has a team of A- grade Nagada Shehnai group; to create the musical evening into a special musical evening. If looking to hire Rajasthani Shehnai and Nagada artists in Jaipur; ‘Orchestra Party’ arranges the best team for your event.

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Avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter

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