Sufi music is dedicated music to the mystical dimensions of Isalm. The music is referred to as the devotional music of the Sufis. Top Sufi poets like; Rumi, Hafiz, Bulleh Shah, Amir Khusrow, and Khwaja Gulam Farid are renowned artists and the Sufi songs sung are from these poets. The Sufi musicians always dedicated their songs to Muslim God and praises their presence in beautiful words.

‘Orchestra Party’ arranges Sufi singers and bands for presenting the best Sufi Music group. An evening organized with Sufi music is best enjoyed and always memorable. Sufi musician group as a team in ‘Orchestra Party’ is presenting the best of magical music and songs dedicated to the top Sufi poets and Sufi saints. Sufi music group as a grade A music group is as a team in ‘Orchestra Party’.

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Avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter

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